Samashti Upanayanam to be held in New Delhi - 15 May 2013

With the benign blessings of Their Holinesses Pujyasri Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji and Pujyasri Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswati Shankaracharya Swamiji of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, `Samashti Upanayanam is arranged in Delhi every year since 1974, on the auspicious Sankara Jayanthi day.

This year, Sri Sankara Jayanthi falls on Wednesday, the 15th May, 2013 and hence, Samashti Upanayanam has been arranged on the auspicious Muhutham, on Sankara Jayanthi day, Wednesday, the 15th May, 2013. Accordingly, the 40th year Samashti Upanayanam will be performed on Wednesday, the 15th May, 2013 at Kanchi Kamakoti Bhavanam Delhi in Sri Devi Kamkashi Mandir, Opp. J.N.U. East Gate, A-11, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067.

Those desirous of performing the Upanayanam of their Wards may contact the at the given address or on phone number 25742607 / 9871765727 / 26867240 / 26890508/ 22720797 / 22771692 / 26865513 and register their name, Veda and Gothra at the earliest, in any case, before the 5th May, 2013.

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